The Laboratory of Microprocessor Systems introduces embedded microprocessor systems based on a wide range of microcontrollers. Laboratory stands are equipped with integrated microprocessor desktops consisting of the following modules: MKD51, LABDUINO, TMSLAB, STMLAB i RPiLAB.
There are provided the simplest 8-bit systems INTEL 8051 and AVR Atmega32U4 for introduction to microprocessor topics, and complex 32-bit systems TMS320F2812, STM32F429, BCM2836 intended for use in devices with high computing power. Each of the systems works with a different set of sensors, actuators and interface elements. This enables comprehensive familiarization with the subject of using microprocessor systems for:
- handling the microcontroller peripherals (interrupts, counters, AC converters),
- programming parallel and serial communication interfaces,
- operation of buttons, LEDs, LCD displays, quadrature encoder,
- support for the keyboard, game controller,
- control of a real thermal object.
Participants of the courses have access to auxiliary software which is:
- MKD51 module simulator in the form of a plugin for the Keil uVision environment.
- The simulators of the TMSLAB and RPiLAB modules in the form of standalone software operating under the MS Windows.
- STMLAB module simulator as an extended version of the QEMU emulator.
In the Laboratory of Microprocessor Systems there are classes in the following subjects:
- Microprocessor Techniques.
- Microcontrollers.
- Programming and Application of Microcontrollers,
- Microprocessor Systems Software.